
Saturday, 20 July 2019

Misc: March 1940s Show, picture report

The very weekend we moved into out current/'new' home, three years ago to this very day, there was, we discovered, a local 1940s/WWII-themed show on. Every year since we've gone to it. We went again today. Even though it marks our third year here, this was actually our fourth visit. We very nearly didn't go, as we're both stony broke! But, perhaps foolishly or naughtily, I decided to borrow in advance from any takings I might make tomorrow, at the local car boot sale.

Anyway, as I need to get to sleep now, in order to attend said boot sale, I'll just post a bunch of pics for the time being, and return to add some text later...

There were loads of Jeeps. Here's one in RAF livery.

And a more typical Yank type.

Another, very similar...

This one had the hood up, which was nice.

Obviously a much loved vehicle!

Viewed from the rear...

The driving area.

Another closer view of that pristine engine.

Another US Jeep interior, front.

US Jeep interior, rear.

The driver's area.

Still fighting for the Emperor, a lone samurai!

Nice German BMW (R75?) m/c-sidecar combo.

A later war German m/c combo, in dünkelgelb, mit passenger.

German re-enactors camp.


A nice selection of 'Kraut' weaponry.

A US encampment.

Loads of great softskins!

Round the 'front' of the same US bivouac.

So many great vehicles!

More US gear, inc. a lovely looking motorcycle,

... and yet more 

'Double Deuce'.

Serving as a makeshift ambulance.

Yet another fantastic Jeep. 

What vehicle type is this ambulance? 

Another Jeep.

A British truck.

Funky US truck with ditch-escape roller at front.

Funky US truck from t'other side.

Two stoves on the go in a US encampment area.

Another vehicle like the above unidentified ambulance...

And another Jeep!

Cool short wheelbase truck.

Anyone able to identify this vehicle for me?

More Yank wheels.

And more Jeeps...

So, what is this thing? 

A rather superb British command track.

What a beauty!

This doesn't really capture how cool the interior looked.

Rear view.

There were also civilian vehicles, including these tractors.

There were even a couple of US tanks: looks like a Chaffee and a Sherman!?


Very nicely presented,

Both tanks were trundling about at various points.

Yes... nice!

What a machine!

I'd have loved to have got inside...

This show is pretty good, in terms of numbers of re-enactors and vehicles, etc. But not all that well attended in terms of general public/punters. And there were noticeably less stalls than last year. I hope it continues! It'd be great if it grew bigger, but it appears to be shrinking. There's a similar show in Ramsey, which is quite near. I think that's did I. Mid-August? I'd like to check that one out as well, from what I recall of a previous visit. The Ramsey show is (or at least was) quite a lot bigger.

And finally, there are a few vehicles I've pictured here that I don't know the names of. Should anyone chance upon this post who can supply this info, I'd be very grateful if they'd help me fill in those gaps  in my WWII vehicular knowledge! 

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