
Tuesday, 5 February 2019

1/72 Elefants...

So here is my Elefantine trio, left to right: Trumpeter (unfinished), Zvezda, and Fujimi. The Fujimi is allegedly 1/76. But it looks as big as the other two. The Zvezda model appears to be an older variant, with a rectangular commander's hatch, and no front-mounted machine-gun. I added zimmerit to the Fujimi. I think I might also add some to the Trumpeter, as I really like the effect.

I'm not sure whether to go with this camo' scheme, pictured above, in three colours, or something more like these two below, which are both in just two colours:

I have to confess my original preference was for the Zvezda two-colour, dunkelgelb and green, as pictured above. And I think that remains my favourite. Although I have to say the Bovington Elefant does get me thinking about going three-colour. Hmmm!!?

I'm also tempted to get more crew members visible. Still, first I need to finish the recent Trumoeter build. Then it's time to paint the suckers.

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